Me Time...ahhhhhhh!
Rupert: "Well, it's just me here today...Leeroy and Maybel are off snuggling in their favorite studio chair so that leaves ALL of the bed to MMMMEEEEEE! I can stretch out until my legs dangle off the edge, I don't get kicked or pushed or squashed into a corner, I get ALL of the covers and the silence is....well.....maybe it's a little too quiet. Don't tell Leeroy I said that, cause he already told me I couldn't survive without him and I don't want him to know he might be right!
Anyhoo, more time alone has given me time to reflect...I will be turning six this summer and time waits for no dog. I have a lot of plans coming up and am very excited to watch them unfold.
At the end of April, Kellie will be painting onsite in Kanata! She will have more details for us soon, but I think it is going to be on the 24th and people that come to see her will have a chance to win a portrait of their pet valued at $575! She hasn't decided what she will be painting that weekend yet, so if you have any suggestions just let us know!
This week's painting is "Kelly's Keepsake & Dickens' Dream". Beautiful Kelly is no longer with us but her best friend Dickens is. I know that they miss each other so much but Dickens is a big, brave boy with a heart of gold. This was a surprise painting from husband to wife! I hope that Kellie's artwork brings them much comfort and happiness.
I think I better go check in on Leeroy and Maybel know, because they may need me.....I'll tell them I will share the bed for a little while with them...or ask them if they can share the studio chair with me. Make sure to give your loved ones and extra bit of loving this week because you never know when your next chance will be to do that. Love you all!"
<3 B
Love ya Will and Caliloka! xoxoxoxo